BC Unclaimed celebrates 20th anniversary, launches new website
April 27, 2023
It’s a big year for the BC Unclaimed Property Society – we’re celebrating our twentieth anniversary and have introduced a whole new look and feel for the organization. We’ve rebranded as BC Unclaimed and launched our new website. Our goals were to create a modern, easy-to-use website that inspires trust in our services and highlights the social impact we make. While we were at it, we streamlined processes and further enhanced our security measures, because providing a safe, secure service that protects the privacy of users remains a top priority.

Oftentimes, people who hear about BC Unclaimed or receive letters from us advising that we have funds for them are uncertain if we are a legitimate service. We understand that free money does sound too good to be true! However, unclaimed funds belong to someone and we are mandated by government to try and reunite those funds to their rightful owner. Our new website highlights our government mandate and the legislative framework that supports it. Built on a mobile-first basis, the site makes it easier than ever to search and claim forgotten funds. For organizations that are required to, or want to submit unclaimed funds, we have streamlined the process and set out legislative requirements to raise awareness.
Highlighting our social impact is important to us. BC Unclaimed was set up recognizing that unclaimed money could be managed in a way that supports charitable causes. As some money will never be claimed, we donate a carefully calculated amount each year to the Vancouver Foundation. The Foundation makes grants to charities and not-for-profits that benefit British Columbians across the province with funds received from us.
It is with deep gratitude that we mark twenty years of service to BC. Please search our site regularly, as new monies are received throughout the year – and help us spread the word that forgotten funds are waiting to be claimed!
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